Thomas S. Haas, D.O.’88, FCAP

Thomas S. Haas, D.O.’88, FCAP, was a contributing author of the article “A novel rabbit monoclonal antibody arginase-1 is highly specific and highly sensitive in hepatocellular carcinoma,” published in the Journal of Histotechnology in June 2015. He also was among the authors of the article “Uroplakin II (UPII), GATA3, and p40 are Highly Sensitive Markers for the Differential Diagnosis of Invasive Urothelial Carcinoma” in Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology, November/December 2015, Vol. 23, Issue 10. Haas is an anatomic and clinical pathologist at Mercy Hospital and Trauma Center in Janesville, WI.

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