Steve Paulus, D.O.’85, M.S.

Steve Paulus, D.O.’85, M.S., is among the 27 osteopathic physicians of British, Canadian, American and French origins featured in a new book, Osteopaths: The Philosophy, the Spirit and the Art of Osteopathy (Éditions Anima Mundi, publisher). The physicians’ common characteristic is that they have been invited to or teach at the Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal. With more than 25 years of clinical experience that includes residency training in family medicine, hospital practice and office-based osteopathic and medical care, Paulus has taught osteopathic history, philosophy and manipulative medicine in Germany, England, Canada and the United States. Since moving to Burlington, VT, in 2011, he has offered a relationship-based approach to customized patient care, practicing without office staff and providing the full spectrum of osteopathic and medical care.

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