David E. Drake, D.O.’83, FACN, DFAPA

David E. Drake, D.O.’83, FACN, DFAPA, in May will be awarded Distinguished Life Fellow status at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in San Diego. Last October, he and his wife, Claire Cumbie-Drake, participated in lobbying efforts, with Physicians for Social Responsibility and other organizations, at the United Nations in support of a proposed resolution to commence negotiations in 2017 on a new international treaty to ban nuclear weapons. The UN General Assembly approved the historic resolution on Dec. 23. Drake spoke to DMU students on Jan. 25 about being a physician-activist. He also frequently contributes editorials to the Des Moines Register; on Feb. 2, the newspaper ran his editorial titled “’Resist’ is the mantra of Trump’s opposition.” Drake has a private practice of psychotherapy in Des Moines and serves as clinical professor of psychiatry at DMU with students in his office.

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