CME Receives Accreditation with Commendation from the AOA

Earlier this year, the Continuing Medical Education (CME) department submitted its reaccreditation paperwork to the American Osteopathic Association (AOA). The AOA Council on CME reviewed the information and re-approved Des Moines University with 5-year Accreditation with Commendation as a Category 1 CME Sponsor. This honor is held by only 29% of AOA CME Sponsors. To achieve a perfect score, the CME department must:

  • Demonstrate an evidence-based, educational need (knowledge, competence, or performance) that underlie the professional practice gaps of healthcare providers.
  • Develop educational activities that are designed to change competence, performance, patient outcomes, and/or population health status as described in its mission statement.
  • Develop educational activities which are independent of commercial interests and maintain a separation of promotion from education.
  • Integrate osteopathic principles and practices into the educational activities.
  • Conduct an outcomes measurement questionnaire which assess the learners long-term retention of knowledge, changes in performance relating to patient care, and barriers to change.

The portfolio of CME offerings are vast and include live and on-line activities, enduring materials, osteopathic medical teaching, and preceptor/clinical instructor opportunities. For a list of available educational activities, please visit the CME website.

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