Journeying in Medicine, finale

The Medical Humanities Society at Des Moines University presents its second online arts gallery, “Journeying in Medicine.” It features art works and the written word by DMU students depicting their own path to and through medicine.

Gallery curators are Caitlin Descovich O’Hare, a second-year osteopathic medical student, and Charles Gaccione, a first-year osteopathic medical student. They are executive officers of the Medical Humanities Society.

This final installment of “Journeying in Medicine” highlights works by Julian Moss, a second-year osteopathic medical student.

Julian Moss – in his own words: I’m from Salt Lake City. I love food and am not always the healthiest person when it comes to my eating habits. As I’ve been going through medical school, I’ve become more aware through my classes and also from my fellow peers (there are so many super-fit medical students!) how important physical exercise and proper eating habits are for the body. With heart disease being the leading cause of death in the United States, I hope I can try and be a good example for my future patients.

In all reality, I drew this burger solely because I like burgers and have food on my brain more than a normal healthy person should. But related to burgers, I know beef production has a large impact on our environment. A huge amount of water is used raising cows, and so beef uses all sorts of resources compared to most other meats. Also, cows also have a high impact on our environment due to high levels of methane release, which is roughly 30 times more impactful than CO2 as a heat-trapping gas. So here is a poem to follow up my painting.

I love burgers
Green house release
Ozone in my meal
Stressed, so I’ll eat
Maybe not… you know I will
I should probably exercise
I don’t want to exercise
Sure, I’ll have more fries
The conflict is built
On 660 gallons of guilt

Also linked below is a song – it’s about keeping your personal identity through medical school.


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