Nominate DMU Alumni of the Year

Take a moment to think about DMU alumni you know (including yourself, if you’re a graduate). Consider the work they do, the positive impact they have, and the leadership and service they provide in their communities, in their professions and to the University.

Now take a moment to nominate one or more of these distinguished graduates for a special honor: a 2019 DMU Alumni of the Year Award. Now is the time: the deadline for nominations is April 1. The nomination form is available on the alumni website.

Every year, the DMU Alumni Association Board, with the input of past Alumni of the Year honorees, selects one graduate of each of the University’s three colleges for this special distinction. Criteria include:

  • membership in good standing in the DMU Alumni Association and the nominee’s professional state or national organization
  • demonstrated service to DMU, its students and his/her profession
  • a record of service to his/her community on a local, state and/or national level.

Past Alumni of the Year include osteopathic and podiatric physicians, physical therapists, physician assistants and leaders in public health and health care administration. They include leaders of state and national professional organizations, preceptors and mentors for DMU students, researchers, authors, academic leaders and more. In other words, they represent a powerful force in health care and our world in general.

Don’t you know other “powerful forces” among DMU graduates? Nominate them today for a 2019 Alumni of the Year Award!

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