David E. Drake, D.O.’83

David E. Drake, D.O.’83, is president-elect of the national Physicians for Social Responsibility. He joined PSR’s board of directors in 2017. He returned to Des Moines after 18 months working in his native Colorado. His professional interests include psychotherapy, family relationships, geriatrics, teaching and management.

Dr. Drake received his undergraduate degree from the Colorado College with a major in religion and a master’s degree in theological studies from the Harvard Divinity School before earning his D.O. from DMU. He completed a residency in general psychiatry at the Karl Menninger School of Psychiatry.

Involved in activism around abolishing nuclear weapons since medical school, he attended his first conference of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in York, England, in the summer of 2017, serving as counselor. Along with PSR, he is focused on the issue of hope and activism while living in a time of the dual existential threats of the climate emergency and nuclear weapons.

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