Robert G. Smith, D.P.M.’99, M.Sc., R.Ph.

Robert G. Smith, D.P.M.’99, M.Sc., R.Ph., had published in the Journal of Current Medical Research and Opinion in October his article, “An Argument for the Use of Amantadine to Treat Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.” The article describes the results of his literature search focused on amantadine, memantine and ketamine as treatments for complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and literature accounts centered on the effective use of amantadine to treat pain syndromes. It also presents the pharmacology of amantadine as it applies to the inflammation and pathology of CRPS as well as comparisons of amantadine, memantine and other N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists used to treat CRPS. Smith is a podiatric physician based in Ormond Beach, FL.

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