Shannon Ramsey-Jimenez, D.O.’96, in January 2022 was named interim dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Sam Houston State University (SHSU-COM) in Huntsville, TX. She previously was associate professor and chair of primary care and clinical medicine at the college. Very active in her profession, she has served as vice chair and chair of the department of medicine at Wayne Memorial Hospital in Goldsboro, NC, and also served on several hospital committees. She was a delegate to the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP) for 15 years and served on the ACOFP committee on federal legislation for nine years. She is currently on the ACOFP business of medicine committee.
Jimenez was president of the North Carolina Society of the ACOFP for seven years and has organized numerous continuing medical education conferences. She has also served on all positions for the board of the North Carolina Osteopathic Medical Association from 2003 to 2015 and completed the Ohio University/ NYIT Health Policy Fellowship in 2009. She served on the review panel for the North Carolina Medical Board from 2008 to 2010. She has been on several speaker’s bureaus and has taught students in her clinic for more than 15 years. She also was among the founding osteopathic manipulative medicine faculty and a regional assistant dean at Campbell University College of Osteopathic Medicine in North Carolina.
Jimenez started a solo practice in 2009 and grew it to five providers with 10,000 patients before she sold the practice in 2018. She recently completed a Costin Fellowship for Medical Education at Midwestern University as well as a Health Resources and Services Administration-funded Primary Care Champions Fellowship at Campbell University.