Barb Boose

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Just 116 years ago…

It’s hard to imagine medicine without x-rays, but the technology is a relative youngster in health care. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, professor of physics and director of the Physical Institute of the University of Wurzburg, Germany, stumbled on x-rays quite by

Just 116 years ago… Read More

Eating worms

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder in the world. The World Health Organization estimates that it affects nearly two billion people. Matthew Abendroth, a second-year DMU osteopathic student, suggests one solution might be entomophagy, the human consumption of

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Let’s play some football!

When Des Moines University celebrated its centennial in 1998, students creatively created a fun event to mark the occasion: They invited students of nearby Drake University Law School to play a football game. The “Malpractice Bowl” has been held every

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“Questions are the answer”

My parents are of the generation that, when told something by their doctor, they usually don’t question it. Understandably, they believe that with all the education and credentials physicians have, whatever they say must be right. Questioning one’s doctor, however,

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Celebrate PA Week!

Today marks the beginning of National Physician Assistant Week, celebrated annually to support, highlight and recognize the significant impact of physician assistants in health care. According to the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA), the week is “an opportunity to

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