Barb Boose

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The tome to own on surgery for the diabetic foot

Thomas Zgonis, D.P.M.’99, FACFAS, sees a lot of diabetic patients in his part of the world, San Antonio, TX. The disease occurs more often among minority populations, and the city is more than half Mexican- American. In addition to giving him a special interest and expertise in diabetic foot problems, that fact motivated him to produce a 448- page textbook on the topic.

The tome to own on surgery for the diabetic foot Read More

An early global health crusader, with a celebrity connection

British actor Colin Firth turned out an Oscar-nominated performance in his recent movie, “A Single Man,” but his Feb. 3 interview with Terry Gross on the public radio program “Fresh Air” turned up an item that’s just as cool: Firth’s maternal grandfather, John Rolles, graduated from Des Moines Still College of Osteopathy and Surgery (now DMU) in 1952.

An early global health crusader, with a celebrity connection Read More

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