Courtney Tompkins

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Take time to remember

Today DMU is closed in honor of Memorial Day. While everyone loves a long weekend to spend with family & friends, make sure you don’t forget why we all have the day off! Memorial Day is a time to remember

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Congrats, grads!!

Today is the big day! Congrats to all of you who will lay claim to a new degree today! Amongst the nine programs, DMU bestowed 466 degrees (some of you got more than one, you crazy cats!) and you will

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Weekend plans?

Last weekend was PERFECT for the downtown farmers’ market and I saw a lot of DMU faces there. Plan to hit it up if you haven’t yet this year. If I get time I’m gonna drive west….from 2 til 5

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Fun stuff for tomorrow

Tomorrow (Saturday, May 15) there’s a few cool events I didn’t know about earlier to give you a heads up. But if your day is still unplanned, check these out! You can check in at 9 a.m. for a 10

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