Erin Menardi

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“Let go and let God”

“As a practicing surgeon, I thought I was God, and everyone affirms it. I found out that I’m a normal human – one day I was a physician, the next day I might not have a job. That was good life training.”

“Let go and let God” Read More

Cahalan Endowed Scholarship

Strong work ethic, determination and perseverance: Jodi (Ostendorf) Cahalan, Ph.D., M.P.H., M.S., PA-C, a DMU alumna and dean of its College of Health Sciences, and Don Cahalan are proud of these attributes that characterize their northern Iowa families. To honor

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Medicine or magic?

DMU Library’s Kendall Reed Rare Book Room maintains marvelous collections of some medically relevant botanicals, from sweet-scented water lilies to the narrow spathed skunk-cabbage, at times in history valued for their power to heal wounds, cure disease, increase the appetite and induce vomiting.

Medicine or magic? Read More

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