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Christian Grindberg, D.O.’13

Christian Grindberg, D.O.’13, joined Hancock County Health System as a member of the Britt, IA, Medical Clinic staff. He is board-certified by the American Board of Family Medicine and specializes in obstetrics and family medicine. He and his wife, Ashley,

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Marco Coppola, D.O.’89, FACEP

Brigadier General Marco Coppola, D.O.’89, FACEP, commander, Texas State Guard Medical Brigade, Texas State Guard, received a promotion during a ceremony held at Camp Mabry, Austin, TX, on March 23, 2019. Following his promotion, he assumed command of the Texas

Marco Coppola, D.O.’89, FACEP Read More

Precepting is my Superpower

You’ll never forget them: the preceptors who helped you gain skills and confidence. The ones who intimidated or shamed you. The ones who made you love a specialty or abandon it altogether. The one who, as Tucker Brady, D.O.’19, describes

Precepting is my Superpower Read More

REUNION REFLECTIONS: William “Bill” & Donalie Benyak “Alumnus’ spouse to honor his memory at reunion”

According to the 1965 Pacemaker, the yearbook of the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery (COMS), now DMU, William “Bill” Benyak came to Des Moines “after securing his degree in chemistry and his lovely wife Donalie.” As a COMS student,

REUNION REFLECTIONS: William “Bill” & Donalie Benyak “Alumnus’ spouse to honor his memory at reunion” Read More

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