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Laurie K. Tope, D.O.’08, Jennifer D. Haden, D.O.’11, and Benjamin M. Miller, D.O.’11

Tope, Haden, and Miller were awarded Farm Bureau Rural Family Medicine Scholarships during the Iowa Academy of Family Physicians’ annual meeting in November 2011. The purpose of the scholarships is to encourage residents, upon graduating from an Iowa family practice residency

Laurie K. Tope, D.O.’08, Jennifer D. Haden, D.O.’11, and Benjamin M. Miller, D.O.’11 Read More

Julie A. Quam, PA-C’11

Quam (maiden name Carr) and and Derek Quam were married in the summer of 2011. She joined OSF Medical Group Galesburg in Galesburg, IL, as a family practice physician assistant and is active in her church, women’s small group and her

Julie A. Quam, PA-C’11 Read More

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