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Alumni spotlight: Traci A. Bush, D.H.S., M.S.P.T.’95

I am a licensed occupational therapist (University of Missouri-Columbia) and physical therapist (DMU). I have worked in both inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation settings and currently practice as a PRN therapist in the DMU PT Clinic. I joined DMU in 1997 as the manager of the DMU PT Clinic and part-time faculty member in the DMU MSPT Program. I am currently […]

Alumni spotlight: Traci A. Bush, D.H.S., M.S.P.T.’95 Read More

Happy birthday to A.T. Still!

Today marks A.T. Still’s 182nd birthday. He is known as the father of osteopathic medicine. Osteopathy is a whole body approach to health that recognizes the integral role in wellbeing played by the musculoskeletal system. We are very proud to

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Racing across frozen Alaska

In February, while the rest of us were settling in with a mug of cocoa and a Stieg Larsson novel, Eric Johnson, PA-C’98, marched 350 miles on foot to traverse the forests, rivers and mountain passes of Alaska’s Iditarod Trail – for the fifth time.

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