Doctor of Physical Therapy

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What can DMU do for you?

So, I’m in Hawaii. Yeah, exactly. It’s awesome. I’d like to say it’s terrible and I’m having a bad time and the weather isn’t cooperating but that’d be a lie. It’s phenomenal and I’m having a wonderful time and it’s

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St. Lucia in summary

My two-week global health rotation in St. Lucia was an amazing experience.  I had the opportunity to work in outpatient and inpatient physical therapy, as well as complete home visits and visit a senior citizens’ home. This was such a

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Physical therapy in St. Lucia

St Lucia has been quite the eye-opening experience on many levels. The health system here, as far as physical therapy is concerned, is very good but needs further development. The people do very well with the resources available to them

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Did someone say FREE?

Anyone else out there that loves free educational materials? Well do I have the website for you! This website has bunches and bunches of free medical books available to the public and even some anatomy dissecting guides to help compliment

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Update from St. Lucia

8/15 Well, we made it to St. Lucia! We are staying in a dorm on the hospital grounds. The people here seem very nice and I am looking forward to working in the P.T. department. I went to a Catholic

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