College of Health Sciences

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Be a physical therapist

Do you want to improve people’s quality of life? Help them recover after an accident or illness? Work with a variety of people? You should consider being a doctor of physical therapy. Now is the time to apply to Des

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And so it begins….

I started my first official day of clinical rotations yesterday. I had been told all sorts of stories of how other people’s first days had went and so was not sure what to expect. Nerves were running high as I

And so it begins…. Read More

Alumni spotlight: Sarah M. Pavelka, M.H.A.’01

I have more than 11 years experience teaching and coaching in organizational performance and 13 years as an occupational therapist. My background includes speaking and facilitation engagements in business, industry, education and healthcare. My previous employment experiences include service as a quality management director for the Iowa Foundation for Medical Care […]

Alumni spotlight: Sarah M. Pavelka, M.H.A.’01 Read More

Don’t miss Discover DMU!

Ever wonder what it’s really like to be a student at Des Moines University? Are you interested in checking out our campus and labs and visiting with faculty and students? If so, Discover DMU is the event for you! Our

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Welcome PA students!

Today marks the first day of orientation for our new class of physician assistant students! We are excited to welcome the PA Class of 2012 to campus. This group of 50 students comes from eleven different states and a variety

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Congrats, grads!!

Today is the big day! Congrats to all of you who will lay claim to a new degree today! Amongst the nine programs, DMU bestowed 466 degrees (some of you got more than one, you crazy cats!) and you will

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