College of Health Sciences

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Congrats, grads!!!

Today 430 special people graduate from Des Moines University. The faculty, staff, current students & past grads congratulate them. We know you’ll do great things!!  Go forth & heal! P.S. We want to hear about your great things, so make […]

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I decided this past week, May 2 through May 9, was going to be my BEST WEEK EVER.* How did I come to this conclusion? I was (self) diagnosed with Toomuchstudyitis, was getting kind of restless, and needed an excuse


world malaria day

As an American, when I fall asleep I mostly worry about what I’ll wear the next day, whether I remembered to start the dishwasher and if I’m overscheduled the next day. Poor me.  Imagine living in a country where going

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Fitting in

I define the years between first and fifth grade (and sometimes ’til eighth) as a kid’s “awkward years.” These are the years when every cute five-year-old suddenly transforms into a weird-looking or flat out ugly preteen. It’s primetime for buckteeth,

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Good stuff to read!

Good golly, Ms. Molly, I’m surrounded by smart people!!! (not to worry, this does not come as a shock to me but rather I am reminded on a daily basis of how amazingly talented the faculty and staff are at

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Alumni in the military

Written by Barb Boose, guest blogger & editor of ‘DMU Magazine’ As we reflect on the year that’s ending and the new one ahead, it’s a good time to remember the men and women serving our country here and abroad.

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