College of Health Sciences

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Stretching beyond comfort zones

As a fourth-year medical student, Mali Schneiter delivered twins — by herself — in a hospital in Uganda. Classmate Nicole Cook counted potentially dengue-carrying mosquitoes in Peru, conscientious of her exposed body parts. Nisha Fahey, D.O.’16, and an undergraduate classmate expanded a research

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DMU Day at the Fair 2015

DMU Day: a family af-Fair

The University’s annual DMU Day at the Fair is the rare opportunity for the public to experience osteopathic manual medicine (OMM) within a horseshoe’s throw of corn dogs, country singers and miniature ponies. On the first Sunday of the Iowa State Fair, Des

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Kyle Bruce, D.P.M.’11, M.P.H.

Kyle Bruce, D.P.M.’11, M.P.H., in June 2015 graduated with a master’s of public health degree from the American Podiatric Medical Association/Dartmouth Public Health Fellowship at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. He completed 60-plus credit hours of

Kyle Bruce, D.P.M.’11, M.P.H. Read More

Jaymine Patel, M.H.A.’14

Jaymine Patel, M.H.A.’14, accepted a position as health services coordinator at the Christian Opportunity Center in Indianola, IA. The center has locations in four regions of southern Iowa that provide vocational, residential and spiritual services to persons with disabilities.

Jaymine Patel, M.H.A.’14 Read More

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