Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

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George Anadiotis, D.O.’93

George Anadiotis, D.O.’93, was among the authors of the article, “Clinical challenges in interpreting multiple pathogenic mutations in single patients,” published in February 2021 in Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice. One of fewer than a handful of osteopathic geneticists in

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Scott Fackrell, D.O.’80

Scott Fackrell, D.O.’80, received his honorable discharge from the U.S. Navy Medical Corps (Reserves) in December 2020 after nine years of service. He described his tenure as a “wonderful late life experience” and expressed pride for having “served, learned and

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Cadence Kuklinski, D.O.’12

Cadence Kuklinski, D.O.’12, is an assistant professor of pediatrics, allergy and pulmonary medicine at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. She is a member of the American Thoracic Society, the American Society for Transplantation, the International Society for

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John “Joe” Fosbinder, D.O.’01

John “Joe” Fosbinder, D.O.’01, is a longtime board-certified emergency physician at Bakersfield Heart Hospital in Bakersfield, CA. When not practicing medicine, he participates in activities including mountaineering, biking and adventure racing, a navigational sport that generally takes place over an

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