College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery

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Jeffrey Dikis, D.P.M.’12

Jeffrey Dikis, D.P.M.; R. Tim Yoho, D.P.M., FACFAS, dean of the DMU College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery; and Vassilios Vardaxis, Ph.D., professor of physical therapy, were authors of “A Retrospective Review of the Effect of Metatarsus Adductus on Healing

Jeffrey Dikis, D.P.M.’12 Read More

Jakob Thorud, D.P.M.’11, Eric Lew, D.P.M.’11; Tyler Jolley, D.P.M.’12, M.H.A.; Ted Butterfield, D.P.M.’12

Jakob Thorud, D.P.M.’11, M.S., AACFAS; Eric Lew, D.P.M.11; Tyler Jolley, D.P.M.’12, M.H.A.; and Ted Butterfield, D.P.M.’12, were among the authors of “Comparison of Hallux Interphalangeal Joint Arthrodesis Fixation Techniques: A Retrospective Multicenter Study,” published in the January-February issue of the

Jakob Thorud, D.P.M.’11, Eric Lew, D.P.M.’11; Tyler Jolley, D.P.M.’12, M.H.A.; Ted Butterfield, D.P.M.’12 Read More

Troy Boffeli, D.P.M.’90, FACFAS

Troy J. Boffeli, D.P.M.’90, FACFAS, is editor of a book titled Osteomyelitis of the Foot and Ankle: Medical and Surgical Management published by Springer. He also co-authored the article “Surgical Treatment Guidelines for Digital Deformity Associated with Intrinsic Muscle Spasticity (Intrinsic Plus Foot)

Troy Boffeli, D.P.M.’90, FACFAS Read More

Happy graduates at 2015 Commencement

472 degrees of happiness

Ideal weather, a distinguished grand marshal, honored “milestone” alumni, a compelling keynote speaker and, of course, the elation of earning their 472 DMU degrees made Commencement a joyous occasion for graduates, their loved ones and all members of the DMU

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