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What are your passions?

Sorry I have been MIA these past few months, I am a slacking on that new year’s resolution to blog more! Anyways on to my thoughts: I believe everyone has a passion. Something ingrained in their character and something that

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While watching the Olympics (love ’em!) I saw these GE commercials and wanted to share them. (For those of you reading this via email, click HERE to view the videos. Sorry they don’t come through.) This first commercial is a

Heroes Read More

Do some good today!

This is heart-warming, use it for inspiration today: see what this lil 4-year-old Iowa boy wants for Christmas. So now I know you’re wondering how you can do good too… here’s some options: Go to to send a free

Do some good today! Read More

International delights!

YAY!!!!  If you know me you know how much I love to eat & I love outdoor community festivals. Combine them into a FOOD FESTIVAL and you’ve won my heart. One of my FAVORITE outdoor festivals is next weekend –

International delights! Read More

St. Lucia in summary

My two-week global health rotation in St. Lucia was an amazing experience.  I had the opportunity to work in outpatient and inpatient physical therapy, as well as complete home visits and visit a senior citizens’ home. This was such a

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Physical therapy in St. Lucia

St Lucia has been quite the eye-opening experience on many levels. The health system here, as far as physical therapy is concerned, is very good but needs further development. The people do very well with the resources available to them

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