Global Health

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Passion for caring for the underserved drives Global Health students

Thirty-three DMU students spent spring break on medical service trips, treating hundreds of patients in the Dominican Republic and Biloxi, Mississippi. A few students stopped by the Admissions office to share stories from their amazing week-long opportunity. A common theme emerged talking with the students: […]

Passion for caring for the underserved drives Global Health students Read More

From Des Moines to the Dominican Republic and Biloxi, Mississippi, global health students rekindle their commitment to medicine

Spring Breakthroughs

At two new-for-DMU sites for global health service during spring break this year, students and clinicians treated hundreds of patients, provided health education and even swept floors and cleaned up facilities. The biggest impact of the trips, however, was on

Spring Breakthroughs Read More

DMU joins 26 universities in commitment to training students on health impacts of climate change

The Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine has made a commitment to train the next generation of health professionals to address the health impacts of climate change. Deans from 30 medical, public health and nursing schools from 26 institutions

DMU joins 26 universities in commitment to training students on health impacts of climate change Read More

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