Wellness Center

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Maintain don’t gain

Over the month of December I participated in one of our wellness center’s many fabulous programs, Maintain Don’t Gain. The object of this program was to simply maintain your weight over the past six weeks so that you wouldn’t have any

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Turkey tidbits

Turkey, mashed potatoes and corn were nowhere near the first Thanksgiving table in 1621. The first Thanksgiving in Plymouth, Massachusetts featured lobster, rabbit, chicken, fish, squashes, beans, chestnuts, hickory nuts, onions, leeks, dried fruits, maple syrup/honey, and radishes Abraham Lincoln issued a

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1K for health

1-K. Hundreds of feet. Last year, we walked for a healthier Iowa. This year, to celebrate our progress we’re doing it again! Join us in front of the Academic Center on Wednesday, October 3 for this year’s Healthiest State Walk.

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Celebrate National Yoga Month

Let’s do a graceful sun salutation for September: It’s National Yoga Month. I have enjoyed adding to my workouts this form of exercise, which incorporates measured breathing, balance, flexibility, balance and relaxation through a variety of poses, or asanas. According

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RAGBRAI rolls next week

Turning 50 is hard for some, but it was even more thought-provoking for Brian Hart because of the gift his wife, Julie, gave him: a brand new bicycle. “I wasn’t as appreciative as I probably should have been,” says the

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