DMU Magazine

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Lessons in learning

Does interprofessional interaction among health care students foster their understanding and appreciation of their future colleagues? Does technology in medical simulation activities enhance their acquisition and retention of knowledge? A DMU task force is encouraging faculty to explore these and other questions on effective teaching and learning.

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DMU students elected COSGP leaders

Keep your eye on these current and future movers and shakers in health care: DMU students Tara Blalock Hughes and Mali Schneiter recently were elected national chair and national global health representative, respectively, of the Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents, the official voting voice of all osteopathic medical students.

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High-achieving students, grads

Two members of the College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Class of 2013 were selected to receive scholarships, while another was awarded the Michael L. Stone D.P.M. Outstanding Professional Conduct Award at the annual business meeting of the American Board of Podiatric Surgery.

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CPMS student elected APMSA liaison to AAPPM

DMU podiatric medical student Michael Johnson believes the business component of medical practice should be part of the copious volumes that medical students need to learn. That’s why he sought – and won – election as the student liaison for the American Podiatric Medical Students’ Association to the American Academy of Podiatric Practice Management.

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DMU event fuels girl power

On a Saturday in March, the students who handled human organs, scrubbed in for surgery and made plaster casts were decidedly younger and shorter than usual on the DMU campus: The University’s eighth annual Girls in Science Day drew more than 200 current elementary-school girls, tomorrow’s physicians, scientists and leaders.

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The ‘ultimate gift’

Amid the pain and worry of her husband’s illness and subsequent passing, Julie Powell-Mohr was comforted by his decision to make the ultimate gift – and the response she received from the DMU community. Attending the University’s body donor memorial service, she says, felt like “sitting in the lap of God.”

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