DMU Magazine

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A changed life changes lives

As a molecular biology undergraduate at the University of California-Berkeley, Hiral Patel had no idea how much some arm-twisting by a friend would change her life – and, subsequently, the lives of hundreds of people in Honduras as well as many of her DMU classmates.

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What I know

On June 30, Steve Dengle concluded 33 years of service to DMU, during which the institution changed its name twice, he had eight different bosses and held eight different positions. He ponders his favorite memories, his future plans and the song lyrics that best describe his tenure at the University.

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Life-saving device has DMU tie

Every year, approximately 358,000 women around the world die in childbirth. Poised to change that tragic statistic is a low-tech, low-cost instrument, the “Odon Device,” that has journeyed from its invention in Argentina and its successful testing at DMU in

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U.S. faces ‘health crisis’

A DMU faculty member and her colleagues on an Institute of Medicine committee say the “abysmal investment” in public health is creating a health crisis in America, from rising rates of diabetes to major spikes in childhood obesity. That crisis could decrease lifespan for the first time in the nation’s history.

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La Clinica comes to campus

A clinic that since 1995 has reduced disparities among Latinos in Polk County, IA, as a partnership between DMU and Iowa Health System, will soon move from Des Moines’ south side to the DMU Clinic. It will bring better service to patients and additional training opportunities for students.

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