Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

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DMU faculty and students provided first aid at the Living History Farms Off-Road Races.

On the run

First-, second- and third-year physical therapy students made DMU proud by providing recovery services to more than 150 runners participating in the IMT Des Moines Marathon and half-marathon on Oct. 18. Tyler Wishau, D.P.M.’14, participated in the half-marathon while juggling […]

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DMU Students with Ultrasound

Students lead ultrasound workshop

Ultrasound — a technology that uses high-frequency sound waves to make images of organs and structures in the body — can give health care providers in-depth insights into their patients’ conditions without using invasive procedures or ionizing radiation, as X-rays and CT

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Alfred D. Savage, D.O.’72

Alfred D. Savage, D.O.’72, was voted Best Doctor in Henry County, IA, in 2015 by readers of the Mount Pleasant News. He practices at the Henry County Health Center in the specialties of internal medicine and cardiology.

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Rick Wilkerson, D.O.'80, and the orphans of La Concorde in Haiti.

Heeding Haiti’s call

Rick Wilkerson, D.O.’80, didn’t need Haiti to fulfill his passion for overseas medicine. After all, he’s provided health care and medical training regularly since 1991 in nations ranging from Afghanistan to Vietnam as well as the United States. But when

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The food-mood connection

The food-mood connection

The next therapies for mental health may be found in your local supermarket. Illustrations by Mark Marturello IF YOU’VE EVER buried your sorrows in a bowl of fettuccine alfredo or indulged in chocolate for a dose of cheer, you’re living proof

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Andrew R. Adamson, D.O.’09

Andrew R. Adamson, D.O.’09, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Arizona Associates for Women’s Health, was named a 2016 Top Doctor in Mesa, AZ, an honor that recognizes health care practitioners who have demonstrated clinical excellence while delivering the highest standards

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As part of a campus celebration of DMU history, students, faculty, staff and members of the Still family lay a wreath at the tombstone of S.S. Still and his wife.

A tribute to our founders

During the month of March, the DMU community focused on a celebration of our history. Quite fittingly, the month concluded with a tribute to our founders, Drs. S. S. and Ella Still. Both were beloved by students not only for

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