Events at DMU

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DMU students, staff and community members get “a taste of language” at Global Health cultural event

Knowing a few words in a language and learning about someone’s culture can go a long way toward connecting with people. The Department of Global Health collaborated with the Global Health Student Club and CultureALL, a non-profit organization that provides

DMU students, staff and community members get “a taste of language” at Global Health cultural event Read More

Molly Uhlenhake, D.O.’07

Molly Uhlenhake, D.O.’07, on Nov. 7, 2019, gave a grand rounds presentation at DMU, hosted by the continuing medical education program, titled “Trans and Cis: A Conversation on Caring for the LGBT+ Community.” She is an assistant professor internal medicine

Molly Uhlenhake, D.O.’07 Read More

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