People of DMU

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A big picture of public health

Sarah McCool, Ph.D., M.H.A.’09, M.P.H.’12, is bringing a truly global view to her role as clinical assistant professor in undergraduate programs at the School of Public Health at Georgia State University in Atlanta.  “I never thought I’d end up in

A big picture of public health Read More

Five-plus decades of fabulous

Juanita Buchanan has been “a joy” for generations of students, patients and colleagues Des Moines University owes a lot to Ms. Betty D. Jackson. The typing skills/ business education teacher at Des Moines’ North High School saw so much potential

Five-plus decades of fabulous Read More

REUNION REFLECTIONS: William “Bill” & Donalie Benyak “Alumnus’ spouse to honor his memory at reunion”

According to the 1965 Pacemaker, the yearbook of the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery (COMS), now DMU, William “Bill” Benyak came to Des Moines “after securing his degree in chemistry and his lovely wife Donalie.” As a COMS student,

REUNION REFLECTIONS: William “Bill” & Donalie Benyak “Alumnus’ spouse to honor his memory at reunion” Read More

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