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Sarah Clayton, Ph.D., Noah Marcus, Ph.D., and Francesca Di Sole, Ph.D., are collaborating to plan a new shared lab as well as pursue potential research projects.

Shared space spurs collaboration

Curiosity is creating an audible buzz among students and faculty engaged in DMU’s increasingly robust research enterprise. This story is part of “Research Engines,” a series on the questions being asked and investigated by DMU researchers. While DMU’s faculty and

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Kristin Gisselman, D.O.13

Kristin Gisselman, D.O.13, won best resident poster presentation at the 2015 DMU Research Symposium on Dec. 3 with her poster titled “Creating a Cohesive Approach to Research.” She is a resident in family medicine at Mercy Medical Center in Des

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Landing grants made more doable

Given the tough competition for tight resources among scientists, clinicians and other researchers, writing a successful research proposal and getting funding for it seem fraught with difficulty. A workshop offered by the Des Moines University Office of Research on Nov.

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