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Merrell K. Kauwe, D.P.M.’14

Merrell Kauwe earned the award for best poster presentation by a resident at the fifth annual DMU Research Symposium on campus on Dec. 4. He was the presenting author of research titled “Quantification of Rotational Correction Achieved During First Metatarsal Cuneiform

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A world of pain

We are in a world of pain. From the prick of our first booster to the aches of arthritis, we experience pain at all ages in a variety of ways. Pain can range from irritating to excruciating, but it always serves a

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Student researchers reach goals

On Friday, July 18, more than 80 people gathered to celebrate the conclusion of Des Moines University’s 2014 Mentored Student Research Program. Impressively diverse with 13 undergraduate students from various colleges and universities, and 39 Des Moines University students representing

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Spelunking for carnivores

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] It doesn’t take an extensive science background to quickly grasp Julie Meachen’s research passion. Just peruse the titles of her co-authored papers tacked up outside her office in Ryan Hall: “Postcranial morphology and the locomotor habits of living and extinct

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