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A breathtaking experience

by Barb Boose, editor of DMU Magazine Some people enjoy winter, some hate it and others simply tolerate it. But on a recent frigid Friday night in Des Moines, a unique group not only enjoyed it, they literally leapt into

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Say what?

I have a professor this semester whose choice interjection is, “Make sense?” He says this phrase at least 20 times during an hour class period. I find his choice of words extremely comical given the fact that he’ll rarely wait

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Good stuff to read!

Good golly, Ms. Molly, I’m surrounded by smart people!!! (not to worry, this does not come as a shock to me but rather I am reminded on a daily basis of how amazingly talented the faculty and staff are at

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Accolades for our clinic

I wanted to share this lovely letter recently sent to administrators at the Des Moines University Clinic. The links I inserted for your convenience, cuz I’m nice like that. Enjoy!  – Courtney To Whom it May Concern, I wanted to

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A good read

It’s been very hard to catch up on leisurely reading with school and that’s why I took advantage of my winter break to pick up a book. There were a few challenges, however, in deciding what book I think I

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