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Frantic…YES I AM!

Today is a special day for all of us third-year podiatry students. It is the day our clerkship applications open up and letters are being sent out to request a month for a clerkship of our choice. However, it’s not […]

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Quality health care in Iowa

Did you know your quality of health care depends on where you live? Here’s the map that shows the rankings of states — Iowa is #2 healthiest, behind Vermont.  YAY! Is it the fresh air? Friendly people? Access to fresh

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Fond memories of fall break

VACATIONS ARE FABULOUS! Free time is not something I know much about since we started school.  However, the first week of September was our “fall break.” I’m pretty sure it wasn’t even fall yet but I won’t complain about time

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Physician Assistant Week

October 6-12 is National Physician Assistant Week. Physician Assistants are a vital part of our health care system. Remember to thank them for what they do both this week and in the future. As part of PA Week, DMU PA

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Healthcare, a buzz word

The hottest topic of recent debate is President Obama’s focus on some version of a universal health care system. There’s no doubt that the current health system needs a fix but the challenge is how do we fix it? I

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International delights!

YAY!!!!  If you know me you know how much I love to eat & I love outdoor community festivals. Combine them into a FOOD FESTIVAL and you’ve won my heart. One of my FAVORITE outdoor festivals is next weekend –

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