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Let’s hear it for the spouses

DMU student spouse receives award For some, simply surviving marriage to a medical student is accomplishment enough. Not so Jon Kamrath: While his wife, Heidi, earned her D.O. degree at DMU, he commuted to Iowa State University, 40 miles away, […]

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Exciting alumni news

I recently ran across this announcement of a five-year $2.8 million grant to a 1991 alum, Dr. Vincent Grasso. He is working on improving care for women with HIV/AIDS. Way to go, Dr. Grasso. Keep up the great work –

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Physical therapy in St. Lucia

St Lucia has been quite the eye-opening experience on many levels. The health system here, as far as physical therapy is concerned, is very good but needs further development. The people do very well with the resources available to them

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