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The city I love

hey all, I ran across this great PDF about Des Moines & thought you’d enjoy seeing it. Also, if you visit the DMU Facebook page you can add to a list of fave. places to eat ’round here!

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world malaria day

As an American, when I fall asleep I mostly worry about what I’ll wear the next day, whether I remembered to start the dishwasher and if I’m overscheduled the next day. Poor me.  Imagine living in a country where going

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Bone marrow month

In recognition of Bone Marrow Month, I felt it would be appropriate to share my friend’s story about his battle with leukemia. He’s a strapping young man and was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 25, just two years

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My special someone

 I catch up with my cousin over the phone once a week and we talk about family, friends, boys, bars, her job and my school. I always enjoy our chat because it gives me some perspective. When you’re in med

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