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Fitting in

I define the years between first and fifth grade (and sometimes ’til eighth) as a kid’s “awkward years.” These are the years when every cute five-year-old suddenly transforms into a weird-looking or flat out ugly preteen. It’s primetime for buckteeth, […]

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Food, glorious food

What a joy! I think I found my new favorite restaurant in downtown Des Moines. The place is called Centro (pronounced Chen-tro) and they serve pastas and pizzas and everything I like.  I started off with the steamed mussels appetizer which

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What is gluten intolerance?

Gluten-free diets: a fad or serious health condition? Gluten-free. It’s a term most people have heard but don’t fully understand. Some think it’s just the newest craze in diets or food marketing. Not so! Gluten is a protein in grass-type

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Training for a triathlon

Triathlon prep – bike, run, swim faster with careful preparation, training As many prepare to run, swim and ride in Des Moines’ Hy-Vee Triathlon (annual summer event), there are a few things to keep in mind while getting in shape.

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Skin cancer

Slather on sunscreen or your skin will suffer More than 1,500 people die every day from cancer. The second leading cause of death in the United States, cancer affects all ages and all races. And every time you forget to

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Physical therapy and your heart

Physical therapy might be best pain treatment for patients with heart disease DMU physical therapy professor responds to American Heart’s recommendations The first line of defense against pain and injury may no longer be a pill – especially if you

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Herbal supplements

Herbal treatments could interfere with your prescription meds Because the use of herbal treatments is at an all-time high – 33% of adults in the United States use one or more herbal health treatments – it is important to recognize

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