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Diabetic foot care

Take steps to prevent diabetic foot problems In addition to blood sugar and insulin levels, diabetics need to monitor the health of their legs and feet. “Three major problems for diabetics are infection, ulceration (open sores or cuts) and peripheral

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Cuppa joe or no?

Percolator or drip? Decaf or regular? Flavored or plain? Milk or cream? Sugar? There are so many questions coffee drinkers answer. But there may be issues more critical than whether to add whip cream. Coffee has been around for centuries

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Backpack tips

Don’t let a heavy load weigh your child down. Improper backpack fit may lead to backpack, muscle aches, poor posture You know your kids need pencils, paper, calculators and rulers for school. One more thing you may not even know

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A breathtaking experience

by Barb Boose, editor of DMU Magazine Some people enjoy winter, some hate it and others simply tolerate it. But on a recent frigid Friday night in Des Moines, a unique group not only enjoyed it, they literally leapt into

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Well connected

My family doctor is a DMU alum (D.O. class of 1990) and has been taking quite good care of my family for over 10 years. Just recently, she referred us to a local ENT to discuss tubes – the rite

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Say what?

I have a professor this semester whose choice interjection is, “Make sense?” He says this phrase at least 20 times during an hour class period. I find his choice of words extremely comical given the fact that he’ll rarely wait

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