Third-Year Rotations

Rotation Type/Specialty Number of Weeks
  • Family Medicine
4 weeks
  • Family Medicine   (total of 8 weeks)
4 weeks
  • General Internal Medicine
4 weeks
  • General Surgery
4 weeks
  • General Pediatrics
4 weeks
  • OB/GYN
4 weeks
  • Psychiatry
4 weeks
  • Emergency Medicine or 2nd Subspecialty
4 weeks
  • Medicine or Surgery Subspecialty
4 weeks
  • Two – 2-week rotations
4 weeks
Total weeks for 3rd year 40 weeks

Fourth-Year Rotations

Emergency Medicine (if not done 3rd year) 4 weeks
Plus one of the following: 4 weeks
  • Community Medicine
  • Rural Medicine
  • International Health
 Electives 32-36 weeks
  Total weeks for 4th year 40 weeks

Graduation Requirements

  • 80 weeks of clinical rotations
    • Required D.O. time is a total of  20 weeks between 3rd and 4th year
  • Pass COMLEX Level 1 and Level 2CE
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