Papers and Abstracts Published in Referred Journals
Bush TA, Bogdanove A, Goerdt C, Stapleton D, Vardaxis V. Comparative EMG analysis of shoulder girdle muscles during cardinal plane arm elevation at different body positions. JOSPT, 2018; 48(1):A87
Bush TA, Kotz S, Wolfensperger O, Pritchard J, Stapleton D, Vardaxis V. Electromyography Activation of the Shoulder Girdle Muscles During Abduction At Different Body Orientation Positions. JOSPT, 2017; 47(1):A70
Canby C, Bush T. Humanities in gross anatomy project: A novel humanistic learning at Des Moines University. Anatomical Sciences Education, 2009.
Canby C, Bush T. Humanities in gross anatomy project: a humanistic learning tool. Experimental Biology, 2009. Abstract.
Bush TA, Mork DO, Sarver KK, Weller D & Bravard SL. The Effectiveness of Shoulder Taping in the Inhibition of the Upper Trapezius as Determined by Electromyography. Phys Therapy. 1996;76(S28). Abstract.
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publication
Bush, TA. Elder Abuse. GeriNotes. Publication of the Geriatric Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. November. 2006
Peer-Reviewed Presentations
Gibbs M, Lowe JT, Bush T, Stapleton D, Vardaxis V. Shoulder muscle activation patterns during multiplanar arm elevation. American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) Annual Meeting, Rochester, MN, August 2018. Poster
Schossow J, Ashes J, Bush T, Stapleton D, Vardaxis V. Plane of arm elevation effect on scapulohumeral rhythm (SHR). American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) Annual Meeting, Rochester, MN, August 2018. Poster
Mann J, Estes J, Bush T, Stapleton D, Vardaxis V. Deltoid antagonistic co-activation at different arm elevation planes. International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK) Biannual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, June 2018. Poster
Estes J, Mann J, Bush T, Stapleton D, Vardaxis V. Multiplanar dynamic humeral elevation effect on scapulothoracic 3D kinematics. World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB), Dublin, Ireland, July 2018. Poster
Bush TA, Bogdanove AG, Goerdt CV, Stapleton D, Vardaxis V. Electromyography analysis of shoulder girdle muscles during cardinal plane arm elevation at different body positions. American Physical Therapy Association’s Combines Sections Meeting. February 2018. Poster
Cook J, Lowry K, Mercuris M, Bush T. Movement systems diagnoses and neuromuscular conditions: Student learning following an intensive laboratory experience. American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting. February 2018. Poster
Stapleton D, DeBoer S, Bush TA, Vardaxis V. Synergistic shoulder muscle activation during arm elevation in different body positions. American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, August 2017. Poster
Vardaxis V, Maiden ME, Stapleton D, Blana D, Bush TA. Glenohumeral joint motion with arm elevation in the frontal and sagittal planes at common clinical evaluation body positions. International Society of Biomechanics Biannual Meeting, July 2017. Poster
Vardaxis V, Glazier MT, Stapleton D, Blana D, Bush TA. Effect of body position on the scapulothoracic motion during dynamic dominant arm planar elevation. International Society of Biomechanics Biannual Meeting, July 2017. Poster
Bush TA, Kotz S, Wolfensperger O, Pritchard J, Stapleton D, Vardaxis V. Electromyography Activation of the Shoulder Girdle Muscles During Abduction at Different Body Orientation Positions. American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting, February 2017. Poster
Bush TA. What to wear? Do older adults judge physical therapists by their attire? American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting. February 2016. Poster Presentation
Bush TA, Weir JP. Predicting physical therapy success based on undergraduate institution attended: A preliminary study. American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting. January 2013. Poster Presentation
Bush TA, Deshpande P. The effectiveness of a cross year peer tutoring program in academic performance for at-risk doctor of physical therapy students. American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting. February 2010. Poster Presentation
Bush T, Weir JP, Robel J, McCloy C. Effect of strain counterstrain and static stretching on hamstring muscle length. Des Moines University Research Symposium December 2010. Platform Presentation
Canby CA, Bush T. Humanities in gross anatomy project: A humanistic learning tool. American Association of Anatomists. April 2009. Poster Presentation