Legacy Society

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The Legacy Society recognizes individual donors and their spouse who make planned gifts or bequests to Des Moines University Medicine and Health Sciences. The Legacy Society recognizes and celebrates commitments made today that will benefit DMU’s students, faculty, and programs for many generations to come.

What Is Planned Giving?

Planned giving — making charitable gifts via your estate — offers a wide variety of benefits to you, your loved ones and the causes you want to support.

Visit our planned giving website to learn about the advantages of joining the DMU Legacy Society, which honors donors who make planned gifts to the university. You can read stories of donors who have invested in DMU, its students and faculty as Legacy Society members. And you will see how easy it can be to support the university through your estate to create a lasting legacy of excellent health care.

DMU will work with you and your financial advisers to design a charitable plan that will meet your needs, let you provide for your loved ones and support the mission of the university: educating diverse groups of highly competent and compassionate health professionals to serve patients and communities and enhance our quality of life.


  • Planned gifts may be any amount and must be documented with Statement of Intent, supporting estate documentation and a member of the development staff.
  • Gifts can be made in support of any DMU college, program, fund or university event.

Eligible Gift Types

  • Bequests
  • Beneficiary Designations
  • Charitable Gift Annuities
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Retained Life Estate Agreements
  • Gifts of Retirement Assets

Donor Recognition and Opportunities for Engagement

  • Exclusive Communication From Des Moines University Senior Leadership
  • Special Invitation to All Premier Des Moines University Events
  • Subscription to the DMU Magazine

Legacy Society Members

  • Kenneth Adams, D.O.’83, and Adrienne Adams
  • Patricia Aldrich
  • William G. Anderson, D.O.’56
  • Arthur Angove, D.O.’62
  • Lyle R. Bailey, D.O.’55
  • Larry Baker, D.O.’77, and Lori Baker
  • Nicholas W. Bartz, D.O.’81
  • Brian J. Beck, D.O.’69
  • Traci Bush, M.S.P.T.’95
  • Benjamin D. Byers, D.O.’01, and Debra A. Byers
  • Mary McNerney Byrd
  • Naresh Chandan, D.O.’92, and Ritu Chandan, D.O.’95
  • Patricia A. Charochak, D.O.’78, and Scott L. Havsy, D.O.’78
  • Frank M. Clark, D.O.’68, and Miriam Clark
  • Pamela A. Duffy
  • Kathleen Graney Finkenauer
  • James German, D.O.’70
  • Thomas Gleason, D.O.’81, and Martha Gleason
  • Irving Gold, D.O.’67
  • Murray Goldstein, D.O.’50
  • Robert Good, D.O.’77, and Brenda Good
  • James T. Haffenden, D.O.’52
  • Marcia Hammers, B.H.A.’88, and Gary Hammers
  • Russell Hopp, D.O.’75, and Cynthia Hopp
  • G. Keigh Howland, D.O.’51, and Martha Howland
  • Richard Irelan
  • Tad Jacobs, D.O.’81, and Kathy Jacobs
  • Aram Janigian, D.O.’63, and Susie Janigian
  • Stephen Kaiser, D.O.’73, and Martha Kaiser
  • Fred N. Katz, D.O.’66
  • Frank M. Kneussl, Ph.D.
  • Anthony C. Korvas, D.O.’69, and Cathy A. Korvas
  • Ellen B. Lancashire
  • Ralph Levy, D.O.’60
  • Erika Linden and Randy Thompson
  • Robert Lowry, D.O.’61
  • Maryam Moghaddam, D.O.’84, and Masoud Moghaddam, Ph.D.
  • Richard T. Pitts, D.O.’73, Ph.D., and Colleen O’Connor, CRNA
  • Adam Quinn, D.O.’01, and Michelle Quinn
  • Maurice A. Ramirez, D.O.’91, Ph.D.
  • Norman Rose, D.O.’63, and Dee Ann Rose
  • Paul L. Ruza, D.O.’56
  • Joseph J. Ryno III, D.O.’76, and Sue C. Ryno
  • Alan J. Saltzman, D.O.’78
  • Scott Schmidt
  • Steven Shapiro, D.O.’69, and Dawn Shapiro
  • Robert J. Smick, D.O.’55
  • Student, Class of 1968
  • Eugene L. Timmons, D.O.’59
  • Lowell L. Troester, D.O.’54
  • Richard L. Vermeer, D.O.’76
  • Louis B. Walk, D.O.’66
  • Gershon R. Weiner, D.O.’63
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