Internal Announcements

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How to share an announcement

Announcements are posted through Pulse with the option to also share your announcement in the Weekly Dose of DMU email. Announcements must be posted before by the end of day Thursday to be included in the following Monday’s email.

Each department also has a Pulse content editor who has the ability to submit Pulse announcements. To request access to post announcements or edit Pulse pages, please contact the Solutions Hub.

The form is located on the Pulse homepage in the Announcements section. Content managers should see a link that says “+ Add Yours”.

Using Images in Pulse Announcements

If you have an image you wish to use in your announcement, follow these instructions.

How to promote your event

Please go through the official channels listed below and avoid sending mass emails to promote your event if possible.

Students may submit events through Anthology.

Employees may submit events through the master calendar. Other promotional materials for your event may be requested by submitting a communications request form.

Event Promotion Workflow

Events submitted through Anthology and the master calendar will automatically be shared on Pulse and in the Weekly Dose of DMU email that goes out on each Monday morning.

Event Promotion Workflow
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