Mystery medicine cabinet

  1. Finding Zoloft in the cabinet tells you he is being treated for
    • epileptic seizures
    • diabetes
    • depression
    • anxiety attacks
    • anginal episodes
  2. You find an outdated bottle of Amoxil which is a/an
    • tetracycline
    • cephalosporin
    • sulfonamide
    • penicillin
    • ACE inhibitor
  3. Finding Zocor in the cabinet tells you he is being treated for
    • anxiety attacks
    • a clotting disorder
    • depression
    • elevated cholesterol
    • fluid retention
  4. Finding lanzoprazole in the cabinet tells you he is experiencing frequent
    • sinus pain
    • asthma attacks
    • arthritis flare-ups
    • heartburn
    • blood clotting problems
  5. He mentioned he recently had a bad case of hives after eating strawberries. Now you know why he has which of the following in his cabinet?
    • Norvasc
    • Benadryl
    • Tylenol
    • Ginkgo biloba
    • Captopen
  6. Captopen is a/an __________ used to treat ________.
    • penicillin; bacterial infections
    • ACE inhibitor; bacterial infections
    • diuretic; hypertension
    • ACE inhibitor; hypertension
    • tranquilizer; anxiety disorders


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