Technology Minimum Requirements

A significant amount of course work in these programs is completed with a personal computer. Please read this form to understand the minimum technical requirements to be successful in your graduate studies. All students are responsible for providing a computer which meets the specifications below, prior to enrollment.

Solutions Hub: While you provide your own computer hardware and software, the DMU Solutions Hub can assist you with issues relating to your use of DMU Web sites and services such as email, the portal for student communication, and the course management systems. They can also assist you with using the DMU network on campus and accessing printers available for student use. The Solutions Hub cannot help with hardware failures on your equipment or installing your software on your computer.

Backups: As a student, it is your responsibility to both back up your own data and work and to identify an alternative computer to use should your primary computer or internet connection fail.

Minimum Requirements: Hardware and software compatibility changes frequently, students should be aware these are minimum requirements at the time of publication (September 2013). Some software may have higher technical requirements than specified here.

Your computer should meet the following requirements:

Basic requirements for any computer

  • 256gb Hard Drive with at least 80gb of free hard drive space (more recommended)
  • At least 8gb of RAM (more recommended as it will improve performance of video playback etc…)
  • Internet access (broadband (DSL/Cable) recommended)
  • Flash Player (newest)
  • Windows Media Player
  • Quicktime Player
  • Sun Java Runtime environment 1.4 or greater must be installed and enabled.
  • Javascript must be enabled
  • Personal printer

System requirements for a PC

  • Microsoft Windows 10 or higher operating systems
  • Processor Speed: Minimum of Intel Core i3 or equivalent (i5 is recommended). Windows devices using ARM processors are not supported.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 11 or higher**), Mozilla Firefox, Safari***, or Chrome***
  • Most recent version of Java or Java plugins.
  • Pop-Up blocking disabled
  • Microsoft Office version 2013 or higher (Office 365 recommended - available through student license)
  • Most recent version of Adobe Flash and Reader (

System requirements for a Mac****

  • Macintosh OS 10.13 High Sierra or higher
  • Mozilla Firefox, Safari***, or Chrome***
  • Most recent version of Java or Java plugins
  • Pop-Up blocking disabled
  • Office for Mac 2016 or higher (or compatible office program/suite) (Office 365 recommended - available through student license)
  • Most recent version of Adobe Flash and Reader (

* Windows 8 may have compatibility issues with certain programs, especially running Internet Explorer from the “tiled” view.  IE will need to run from the desktop view to be compatible with website functions.

** Internet Explorer 10 may have a compatibility issue with the current version of ANGEL LMS courseware,  clicking the "Compatibility" toggle switch located to the right of the URL address bar should correct the problem.

***  Safari and Chrome browsers are not fully supported for all DMU functions.  Functionality may be hindered.  If something isn’t working correctly please try with Firefox or Internet Explorer first before contacting the Solutions Hub.

****  The web-based instructional system is compatible with Macintosh computers. Students who use them, however, may need to save their word processing documents or presentations in a format that is compatible with the current Microsoft Office Suite for the PC.

Computer competencies

You should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of word processing.
  • Demonstrate fluency with your Windows or Mac operating system. This is demonstrated by the ability to file, save, retrieve, and manipulate documents within the system.
  • Access, file and respond to e-mail.
  • Log onto the Internet with an Internet Service Provider.
  • Navigate the Internet, including the World Wide Web, using the appropriate browser.
  • Attach, receive, and send files/documents to others; download and open files sent to students.
  • Conduct an Internet search.

Technology requirement form

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