Title IX at Des Moines University Medicine and Health Sciences
Erika Linden, DMU’s Chief Compliance Officer, is the university’s Title IX Coordinator. She coordinates the university’s response to complaints of sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, stalking, sexual assault, relationship violence and other forms of sexual misconduct, as well as retaliation.
If you have been the victim of sexual misconduct or are aware of sexual misconduct and would like to find out about how the university can help you, contact:
Erika Linden
Chief Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator
The Chief Compliance Officer has designated other appropriately trained individuals to investigate sex discrimination and harassment complaints and reports. You may contact the following university designees to report concerns or ask questions about DMU’s sexual misconduct response procedures:
Maureen De Armond, J.D.
Chief Human Resources Officer
Alicia Lynch, Ed.D.
Senior Director of Student Affairs and Conduct Officer
Members of the Executive Leadership Team are required to report any information they receive about possible Title IX violations to the Title IX Coordinator. Such information will be handled confidentially, but you should be aware that reporting to these individuals will prompt the Title IX Coordinator to contact you to offer resources and explain options for response under DMU’s Title IX Sexual Harassment policy.
The university’s Student Counseling Center serves as a confidential resource for students who are impacted by sexual misconduct. Any concerns reported to the professionals in the Student Counseling Center will not be reported to the Title IX Coordinator and will not trigger a formal response or investigation. Reports made to other university employees may cause a university response to be initiated. The Employee Assistance Program is a confidential support resource that can provide services to employees without initiating a formal university response.
Title IX Sexual Harassment and Discrimination and Harassment Prohibition Policies
Des Moines University is committed to maintaining a fair and respectful environment for work, study and participation in the life of the university. DMU will not tolerate acts of sexual misconduct or related retaliation against or by any employee or student in connection with university programs. When sexual misconduct has occurred and is brought to the attention of the Title IX Coordinator, DMU will take steps to end the conduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effect. Persons found responsible for sexual misconduct are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal or termination of employment.
In its Title IX Sexual Harassment and Discrimination and Harassment Prohibition policies, the university expressly prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in the administration of, or in connection with, its educational programming or employment practices and establishes procedures for addressing the misconduct. It intends to fully comply with the requirements of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of the Higher Education Act of 1972.
Compliance with these policies is a term and condition of student enrollment and employment at the university. Questions about these policies or Title IX can be directed to the Chief Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator, Erika Linden, 515-271-1526 or erika.linden@dmu.edu.
External Sexual Harassment and Title IX Resources
U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
For information about frequently asked questions about sexual harassment, visit the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights website.